The Calmness Crew Plushies voice guide you through techniques to improve mental health!

Unlock your inner power!

Passionate about you, believing you can achieve anything in your life, through Mindset, Learning & Kindness.

If you work on your mindset, are willing to keep learning and act with kindness, you will be ‘well good.’

Free resources, techniques, information and inspiration to view, download and print, to help you!

Our mission is to empower you to unlock your inner power to achieve anything you set your mind on, through Mindset, Learning, and Kindness.

Our mission


Your outlook, attitudes, and beliefs can have a significant impact on your motivation, behaviour, and overall success.


Life is about constantly learning and growing as a person – there’s always new knowledge or skills you can cultivate.


Being friendly, generous, and considerate towards others, will help build strong relationships and foster positivity.

Please share your thoughts with me

I would love your feedback on the website, if you have benefitted from something in particular, or just say hi!