Need help with money?

‘FinWELL help us to create healthier relationships with money’

We all need money to survive, however we often aren’t taught about the importance of managing our money properly, when at school. We get taught algebra and trigonometry, however, we don’t learn about budgeting and what we need to be aware of, when living by ourselves.

We may be lucky and have someone who helps us with this, however, what happens if people don’t get to know how to manage their money properly? Quite often, people then have money worries and struggles which can sometimes be preventable.

FinWELL are a company who are here to educate us on the basics of financial wellbeing and money management. If we can learn some of their tips then we may start to be in a better financial position.

Financial Wellbeing is important when it comes to overall wellbeing, as it we have money struggles, this plays a huge part on our mental, physical, emotional and social health. They are all linked together when it comes to our overall wellbeing.

FinWELL have created multiple videos to explain some of the following topics; financial wellbeing, dealing with debt, budgeting basics, building an emergency fund and savvy spending habits. Start watching their videos below:


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